Guidelines for Authors


  • Papers should be well-researched and original to the Author (s). Submissions should be between 6000 and 7000 words long in New Times Roman, 12 font size and in MS Word format 
  • Papers should be in block paragraphs with APA style citation format 
  • All papers should be sent as an email attachment to the Email:





Planeyo Journal of Arts and Humanities (PLANJAH) is a Publication of Planeyo Publishers in affiliation with the Faculty of Arts, Akwa Ibom State University.

PLANJAH is a peer-reviewed and Open Access journal which publishes well-researched papers in Art and Humanities. In this Second Issue of the Journal, we invite paper submissions from scholars and researchers in Arts and Humanities with a special focus on, but not limited to, these disciplines: 

English Language,




Religious and Cultural Studies, 

Memory Studies,

History/International Relations,



Communication Arts/Media Studies, and

Theatre Arts/Films.    

Papers should be well-researched and original to the Author (s).

Submissions should be between 6000 and 7000 words long in New Times 

Roman 12 font size and in MS Word format only.

Abstracts should be between 150 and 300 words long.

•Papers should be in block paragraphs with APA style citation format only.

•All papers should be sent as an email attachment to the Email:

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 20th December, 2024.


Contributors whose articles meet the requirements specified above would be instructed to pay the sum of ₦7000 assessment fee and ₦50,000.00 publication fee after preliminary assessment.

Account Details:

Planeyo Publishers

Account Name: 2045611872

Bank: First Bank

Authors/Contributors outside Nigeria are to pay 50 USD as Assessment Fee and 100 USD as Publication Fee.

Account Name: Planeyo Publishers

Bank Name: Keystone Bank Limited

Account Number: 1012087207 (Dollar)

Swift Code: PLNINGLA

Sort Code: 082010856

Articles should be electronically mailed using Microsoft Word attachment to:

The Chief Editor:

For further enquiries, contact:

 Editor-in-Chief, PLANJAH


Phone: +2348023291397

Dr Eyoh Etim,

 Managing Editor, PLANJAH

Phone: +2348027898705

Visit Our Website at:

PLANJAH Publication Policy

At PLANJAH, we are interested in publishing quality and innovative research outputs in any of the Humanistic disciplines including English Language, Literature, Music, Cultural Studies, Memory Studies, Linguistics, Philosophy, Religious Studies, History and International Relations, Communication Arts/Media Studies and Theatre Arts/Films.

The journal is published on its website and with hard copy bi-monthly. Thus, PLANJAH has a policy of continuous publication.

How to Submit a Manuscript

Before submitting a manuscript, authors should read the Guidelines for Authors on the website. Manuscripts are submitted through the Submit Your Manuscript Portal on the PLANJAH website, through the email:

Manuscript Processing

Once a manuscript is received, it will be forwarded to the Editor of the Manuscript’s discipline for checks. The checks is to ensure that the manuscript follows the guidelines of the Journal and meets its other requirements. Once the manuscript passes this test, it is then subjected to plagiarism and AI authorship test. Each manuscript must pass the plagiarism test of up to 20 percent. Any manuscript which scores higher will be rejected. Manuscripts deemed to have been written by AI will be rejected.

Conflict of Interest

Journal Publication ethics requires that each author/contributor must have a conflict of interest statement on its manuscript, preferably after the References.

Source of Funding

The author(s), especially the corresponding or lead author, must state if the research that produced the paper was funded, including the funder and the amount.


Authors are allowed to acknowledge any academic help or assistance at the end of the paper after the references.

Formatting of Manuscripts

PLANJAH articles must follow the guidelines stipulated by the Journal. The journal article submitted to PLANJAH must have the following headings/format:


Author’s Name and Institutional Affiliations

Contact Details: Email and Phone Number

Abstract: Must be in a block paragraph, structured in line with the conventional principles guiding abstract writing and should be between 150 and 300 words long.

Keywords: Each abstract should have five (5) keywords. Keywords should help identify the content/subject matter of the paper.

Introduction: A set of paragraphs that deal with the conceptual issues and definitional problems of the research, including review of relevant literature, theoretical positions and methodologies/approaches.

Body of the Paper: should be written in subheadings dealing with the analysis of the primary data for the research. The Journal recommends block paragraphing for all authors. Tables and figures should be properly labelled. Authors should make use of the APA Style Sheet 7th Edition. The in-text citation format for the PLANJAH articles is Author (Year, Page). Example: Umotong (2001, p.9). Single quotation marks should be used for quotes. For instance: According to Chinua Achebe (1958), ‘Among the Igbo, the art of conversation is regarded highly, and proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten’ (19). Manuscripts should have double line spacing. Quotes of more than 50 words should be indented without being enclosed in quotation marks, and should be in single or zero-line spacing. Subheadings should be rendered in Capital Initials and in bold type face.

Conclusion: It should be the final paragraph of the article. It should be a single paragraph that sums up the paper.

References: This is a list of all the works cited in the body of the paper arranged in an alphabetical order at the end of the paper immediately after the conclusion.

Blind Peer Review Process: Each paper is reviewed by two experts in the paper’s discipline through a blind peer review process. This means that care is taken to ensure that the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors of the papers that they review. The assessment by the reviewers are taken into consideration before a final decision is made on the paper. A paper can be rejected outright or it can be rejected with an option for it to be reworked before being sent in again for assessment. A paper can be accepted for publication with minor correction or with a major correction. The Editor will ensure that all corrections and their issues are effected or resolved before a paper is accepted for publication.

Open Access Publication Charges: PLANJAH aims at making quality Open Access publication available to all scholars, especially those from Africa, South East Asia and the Global South. The Journal charges a manuscript assessment which is meant to compensate reviewers. This amount is paid before the manuscript is sent out to the reviewers. Note that this payment does not in any way influence the outcome of the review. The Journal also charges a one-time Open Access Fee of N50,000.00. Those outside Africa are charged 200 USD as a one-time Open Access Fee. Articles published on our website will remain accessible for the public to read at all time.

Google Scholar Indexing: Our website contents are indexed on Google Scholar.